Arduin, Bloody Arduin
It occurs occurred to me that my walkthrough of all the Arduin books might involve involves a lot of articles. So, here’s a page which I can use to hold them all.
We are now moving on to done with Book 3 of the Arduin Trilogy, “The Runes Of Doom”. The articles for Book 1, “The Arduin Grimoire”, and Book 2, “Welcome to Skull Tower”, are below. So, the books are being added in reverse order (newest to oldest), but the articles in each section are in linear order (oldest to newest). Think of it like how having a +1 armor made your AC go down.
The Runes Of Doom
Book 3 (The Runes Of Doom) Part I: In which I praise Greg Espinoza, reconcile realism with social class, and trace the divergent evolutionary path of skills and aging.
Book 3 (The Runes Of Doom) Part II: In which we look at events malevolent and benign, wonder about gender and sexual orientation as revealed through charts, and consider what GRRM might have rolled while plotting A Song Of Ice And Fire.
Book 3 (The Runes Of Doom) Part III: In which we look at class in Arduin, whine about alchemists, contrast true and false paladins, and beat a joke about spelling ‘forrester’ into the ground.
Book 3 (The Runes Of Doom) Part IV: In which we look at hybrid undead vampire elves from the future, insect men from outerspace, and lizard men from the forgotten past! Also, we make luggage jokes.
Book 3 (The Runes Of Doom) Part V: In which we resurrect resurrection, hit on the topic of hit points, and revoke the irrevocable.
Book 3 (The Runes Of Doom) Part VI: In which we mourn the passing of the days when a lone thief could hold the corridor forever, ponder the interpretation of a footnote regarding anti-matter projectors, and don’t attempt to avoid obvious jokes about the size of a wizard’s wand.
Book 3 (The Runes Of Doom) Part VII: In which we return after a long absence, come for Aphrodisiac Aura (as it were), and sneer at the Blue Banshee Of Shaamt.
Book 3 (The Runes Of Doom) Part VIII: In which we continue to examine spells, ponder aphpodesiacs and imapsses, and talk about Ultima Online for some reason, possibly early onset dementia on the part of the author.
Book 3 (The Runes Of Doom) Part IX: In which we discuss being harassed by a druid’s balls, see a techno fight a valpyr, spiral into hell, and learn what a black lion looks like.
Book 3 (The Runes Of Doom) Part X: In which we explore the united colors of dragondom, learn why us old-school gamers are so paranoid, and stare in awe and horror at the star spyder.
Book 3 (The Runes Of Doom) Part XI: In which we apply boolean logic to elementals, call out microaggressions against demons, and ponder the degrees of nudity.
Book 3 (The Runes Of Doom) Part XII: In which we examine some demons, look at some demons, and comment upon some demons. Demons.
Book 3 (The Runes Of Doom) Part XIII: In which we finish off demons, discuss nobles, highwaypersons, and dungeons, and surprise ourselves by actually completing something.
Welcome To Skull Tower
Book 2 (Welcome To Skull Tower) Part I: In which I ramble a lot, but also cover Constitution, Strength, whacking Vinnie the Squealer with a crowbar, and boogie men.
Book 2 (Welcome To Skull Tower) Part II: In which we discuss morale, star powered mages, failing to deactivate traps, and whether humans or elves are better liars.
Book 2 (Welcome To Skull Tower, Part III: In which we discuss saints, mid-1970s handheld “video” games, and boots to the head. We also wonder how we forgot to add this link last week, when it was written.
Book 2 (Welcome To Skull Tower) Part IV: In which we look at slavers and courtesans, contemplate third level locks, and quote Monty Python.
Book 2 (Welcome To Skull Tower) Part V: In which we look at charts, tables, and lists, covering everything from your chance to be reborn as a griffon (1%) to your chance of having your genitals ripped off in a fight with a griffon (2%).
Book 2 (Welcome To Skull Tower) Part VI: In which we look at the Multiversal Trading Company’s loan rates, and wonder why a talking dagger is so much cheaper than a talking sling.
Book 2 (Welcome To Skull Tower) Part VII : In which we wrote something last week but forgot to post it until now.
Book 2 (Welcome To Skull Tower) Part VIII: In which we discuss the iron coins of Dread Marmochand, and demonic engagement rings.
Book 2 (Welcome To Skull Tower) Part IX : In which we scratch the Abysmal Itch, feed the Eater From Within, and concentrate on Mind Focus.
Book 2 (Welcome To Skull Tower) Part X: In which I ponder possible sequels to “Sticks To Snakes”, note that 14 year olds do not have sophisticated senses of humor, and work in as many “health insurance” jokes as I can.
Book 2 (Welcome To Skull Tower) Part XI: In which we look at multiple items dealing with time, bask in the awesomeness of shark bolts, and wonder as to the meaning of ‘tantivy’. (Yes, I googled it. It didn’t help.)
Book 2 (Welcome To Skull Tower) Part XII: In which we look at monsters, contemplate medusa mating habits, consider the possible influence of Arduin on the writings of George R. R. Martin, and briefly revisit the %Liar rules.
Book 2 (Welcome To Skull Tower) Part XIII: In which we look at rules for clones, time stops, wishes, time stops, angels, and time stops. Also, time stops.
Book 2 (Welcome To Skull Tower) Part XIV: In which we look at standing up, breaking weapons, and fumbling spells, and we wonder who Jim is.
Book 2 (Welcome To Skull Tower) Part XV: In which we consider miscellaneous rules, the ground speed of an unladen dwarf, and the saving throw vs. saving throw chart.
Book 2 (Welcome To Skull Tower) Part XVI: In which we look at inns and roadhouses and bemoan the lack of an STD chart, consider days and months, enjoy some holidays, and ponder pretzels.
Book 2 (Welcome To Skull Tower) Part XVII: Double sized Book 2 finale! In which we look at Crime and Punishment and War and Peace; marvel at iron-grey cataphracts; slip in one more ‘trigger warning’ joke; explore inns and roadhouses (again); consider undead damage rules; and thank Bizarro Number One for his layout assistance.
The Arduin Grimoire (And The PrinceCon III Handbook)
Book 1 (The Arduin Grimoire) Part I: In which I ramble a lot.
Book 1 (The Arduin Grimoire) Part II: In which I discuss the “Sequence of Play”, show some XP charts, and take potshots at some of my favorite straw men.
Book 1 (The Arduin Grimoire) Part III: In which a man’s got to know his limitations. Also, a picture of a vampusa. Because, vampusa.
Book 1 (The Arduin Grimoire) Part IV: In which we discuss Charcter(sic) Allignment(sic) and I get sick of (sic).
Book 1 (The Arduin Grimoire) Part V: In which Special Abilities are perused, and I beat the ‘sic’ joke into the ground some more. What can I say? I’m a fan of sic humor.
Digression: The PrinceCon III Handbook, Part I: In which we don’t care what Howard says, and experience formulas like 100-5 x AC -4 x L.
Digression: The PrinceCon III Handbook, Part II: In which we look at magic item tables, ponder the origins of the “+1, +2 vs. Ambidextrous Weasels, -1 vs. Lesser Ogres” game mechanic, and still don’t care what Howard says.
Digression: The PrinceCon III Handbook, Part III: In which we take a long look at a lot of magic items, and ponder pocket Armenians and arquebusiers. That’s (pocket Armenians) and (arquebusiers), not pocket (Armienans and arquebusiers). Just to be clear.
Digression: The PrinceCon III Handbook, Part IV And Final: In which we discuss exploding diamonds, Monty Haul, and Lawful Demons, and in which I work in one final, last, “We don’t care what Howard says” joke.
Book 1 (The Arduin Grimoire) Part VI: In which we look at merchants, barbarians, and psychics, contemplate evolving design patterns in RPGs, and wonder what the hell Erol Otus was smoking when he did that half orc. I mean, seriously, WTF is that?
Book 1 (The Arduin Grimoire) Part VII: In which we look at Rune Weavers, Techno’s (sic), and Medicine Men Persons, with digressions into reactor cores and how to inspire rather than instruct.
Book 1 (The Arduin Grimoire) Part VIII: In which there are Witch Hunters, adamantine grappling hooks, phumble phactors, and green slime grenades.
Book 1 (The Arduin Grimoire) Part IX: In which we mock trigger warnings, ponder turning undead, and roll up some magical weapons.
Book 1 (The Arduin Grimoire) Part X: In which we discuss prismatic walls, spectral slimes, magik spells, and I get a chance to (TRIGGER WARNING: Animal Cruelty) beat the trigger warning dead horse once again.
Book 1 (The Arduin Grimoire) Part XI: In which we praise Waziran’s Wondrous Web Of Paralysis, and mock the Golden Wyvern Adept.
Book1 (The Arduin Grimoire) Part XII: In which we look at combat rules, of which there are many, all quite detailed, and discuss the chances of having one’s head smashed to pulp and being irrevocably dead.
Book 1 (The Arduin Grimoire) Part XIII: In which we look at dinosaurs, werecreatures, and escaping.
Book 1 (The Arduin Grimoire) Part XIV: In which we discuss mists, maladies, and coneheads. Yes, those coneheads. Consume mass quantities!
Book 1 (The Arduin Grimoire) Part XV: In which we discuss air sharks, kobold/hobbit nookie, facts about demons, and the weirdest interpretation of hell you’ve ever seen in an RPG.
Pingback:Arduin Grimoire, Part IV | Lizard's Gaming and Geekery Site
Pingback:A Brief Digression: PrinceCon 3 | Lizard's Gaming and Geekery Site
Pingback:A Not-So-Brief Digression: PrinceCon 3, Part IV | Lizard's Gaming and Geekery Site
Pingback:Arduin Grimoire, Part VI | Lizard's Gaming and Geekery Site
Pingback:Arduin Grimoire, Part XV | Lizard's Gaming and Geekery Site
Pingback:Welcome To Skull Tower, Part IV | Lizard's Gaming and Geekery Site
Pingback:Bloodmouth Carnist | Lizard's Gaming and Geekery Site
Pingback:Welcome to Skull Tower, Part IX | Lizard's Gaming and Geekery Site
Pingback:Welcome To Skull Tower, Part XV | Lizard's Gaming and Geekery Site
Pingback:The Runes Of Doom, Part III | Lizard's Gaming and Geekery Site
Brilliant series, keep it up! We were hardcore Arduin fanboys back in the day and I used Booty and Necromicon regularly, in addition to our own crazy stuff. I know its all nostalgia, but its great stuff and your insight is spot on and hilarious.
Pingback:The Runes Of Doom, Part X | Lizard's Gaming and Geekery Site
Pingback:The Runes Of Doom, Part XI | Lizard's Gaming and Geekery Site
Pingback:Road Rebels | Lizard's Gaming and Geekery Site
Pingback:All The World’s Monsters, Volume 1 | Lizard's Gaming and Geekery Site
Pingback:A Brief Earth Delta Excerpt | Lizard's Gaming and Geekery Site
Pingback:RPG A Day 2017 August 12 | Lizard's Gaming and Geekery Site
Pingback:RPG A Day 2017 August 15 | Lizard's Gaming and Geekery Site
Pingback:All The Worlds Monster’s Volume 3, Part V – Lizard's Gaming and Geekery Site
Perchance, once teleported to the new realms wence ancient PHP magik does not faulter, reorder thine scrolls above so Book 01: Arduin Grimore doth occur before Book 02: Welcome to Skull Tower.
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