HomeReviews And WalkthroughsArduinThe Runes Of Doom, Part IX


The Runes Of Doom, Part IX — 5 Comments

  1. Greetings, Lizard. Your critique is my thoughts exactly, and deservedly to a wider audience.
    Ha, however seriously, what is the link between Hell Spirals and Amber? I read Nine Princes trilogy and maybe Corwyn (?) eons ago, probably around the same time late 70s early 80s I was using a lot of Arduin in our game, but I don’t recall any “Hell Spiral” thing in Zelazny. Maybe it was a “Hell Spiral” like thing that was so obvious I just was oblivious that it could have been the source to Hargrave’s Hell Spiral. I’ve always wanted to have a Hell Spiral in a published work, but didn’t want to interfere with the Emperor’s Choice/Hargrave IP and I can’t see that Emperor’s Choice has any open source guidelines. Maybe if Dave’s IP “Hell Spiral” idea is related to a Zelazny IP idea then the construct’s IP is muddied enough for me to throw one in a published dungeon.
    Thanks for your blog, the sections you did on The Necronomican were very cool.

    • The entire “hell spiral” concept reminds me very much of “walking the pattern” in the Amber books. Maybe I’m misreading it entirely, but it seems too similar to be a coincidence…

  2. It is the same. Hargrave got the idea from the Amber books and added his own twist and a new name to the concept.

    Also, the color of the mystic moons, are suppose to represent the colors of Arduin’s moons. Hence, why their red, blie and white.

  3. It is the same. Hargrave got the idea from the Amber books and added his own twist and a new name to the concept.

    Also, the color of the mystic moons, are supposed to represent the colors of Arduin’s moons. Hence, why they’re, blue and white.

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