He Says He’s Not Dead Yet
So, yes, long time w/out updates. There are reasons:
- The first few months of the year are “busy time” at work. Were busy time at work. Because I got fired (whole division was laid off, not even for viral related reasons) last Friday. So while I was working, I was getting home late and burned out.
- I had/have (still working on it) a fairly large paid game writing gig, which took up my weekend time.
But now, I’m unemployed, can work on my paid gig during the day (in between job hunts and spending a few hours in my room in the dark, feeling sorry for myself), so I hope to be doing some updates here, soon.
Anyone need a developer? Delphi, C#, MVC/Razor/Blazor/CSS, Java, JavaScript, can learn whatever wonky framework or library is in vogue this week damn fast (not kidding, I’ve been switching languages and platforms for 30 years. I have learned how to learn). Remote preferred, as I’m in rural KY and 50 miles from Louisville, which I can commute to if I have to, but, I’d rather not.
Yeah, begging for work on a site which gets about 10 visitors a month is a great strategy.
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