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Mummified Parrots — 5 Comments

  1. Wait… not a single allusion about pining for the fjords? These truly ARE dark times! And yeah, a lot of these web tools put on a pretense of 1988 functionality… right up until the point you hit the ‘submit’ button and send the deathless prose you toiled upon for 40 minutes to utter oblivion. (Always an external text editor; always cut-and-paste…)

    Sorry to read about your recent axing, BTW; authoritarians and bean-counters alike really are milking these Interesting Times for all they’re worth.

    • Yeah, wow, I really AM off my game, aren’t I? I guess I was stuck in trying to write up something semi-serious (one of my standards, such as they are, is that if I publish something w/game mechanics, it will at least attempt to be balanced and usable, no matter how ridiculous the inspiration… in my hammerhead shark post, I spent time reviewing AD&D siege mechanics to make a good guess for the damage it would do to boats, even though no one ever used those rules when the game was current, never mind now), and also, being too frustrated w/formatting and layout issues. Sigh. A missed opportunity.

      PS: Props for getting “allusion” correct. I scream inwardly, and outwardly, when I see allegedly professional writers use “illusion” to refer to an oblique hint/reference[1]. (Hmm. In a project I’m working on, I was writing up some rules to let people use Perform to communicate a message to an intended audience while leaving it obscure for anyone else, for example, telling a tale about furry forest creatures that, if you know what to listen for, describes the plan for a raid on the local baron’s palace. It just occurred to me that the roll to see through this deception ought to be “Detect Allusion”.)

      [1] We won’t even discuss when one of my otherwise-favorite media recappers referred to a transition between scenes as a “segway”.

    • A good example of a point I often make when reviewing third-party supplements from the era: Being so deep inside your own sources you may not realize it’s not common knowledge. In this case, I was actively referencing the 1e AD&D Monster Manual for “Mummy” while writing, including the rules for Mummy Rot, which does Charisma damage. Naturally, the average reader, even if they’re into 1e, is unlikely to recall, offhand, that’s what mummy rot does. I added a reference to the appropriate rules. 🙂

      (This is also why writers can’t proofread their own work and programmers can’t debug their own code. Being both, I’m all too familiar with this problem.)

      Thanks for pointing it out, and I am glad to know someone cares enough to read closely and find errors. That’s not sarcasm or passive-aggressive bitterness; I mean it as genuinely as I can mean anything.

  2. Pingback:Golden-Tongued Mummy – Lizard's Gaming and Geekery Site

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