Ultimate Survivor
Ultimate Survivor
Presenting a new racial paragon path for Fourth Edition Dungeons & Dragons.
One of the nifty things about Earth Delta is that, having established maximum compatability as a design goal, a lot of the material I’m creating is usable in bog-standard 4e games, no flying grizzly bears required. For example, I just finished my first attempt at a Racial Paragon Path. Change two or three sentences of fluff text, and this class is fine for any fantasy game. So, in the interests of making sure there’s content on this site while I obsess over Earth Delta in all my free minutes, here it is! Read more!
Ultimate Survivor (Human Paragon Path)
That which does not kill me, makes me stronger.
Prerequisite: Unchanged Human
Disaster is nothing new to humanity. Severe climate changes early in the history of the species reduced the population to a few hundred, and localized calamities from volcanoes to plagues depopulated huge regions. From Malthus onwards, those who predicted the imminent doom of mankind got to die while the species lived. Even the Cataclysm, a thousand times deadlier than any previous ruin, didn’t get everyone, and even in a world where bears fly and shoot lasers from their eyes, the unchanged human species continues to adapt and thrive, well, thrive as much as anyone else.
You are the incarnate expression of that urge and ability to live, to overcome anything, to always stand up one more time, beaten, battered, and bloody, and shout to the universe "Is that all you’ve got? Come on, have another go, if you think you’re hard enough!"
Ultimate Survivor Class Features
Not Dead Yet: The first time in a day when an attack reduces you to 0 or fewer hit points, you immediately gain temporary hit points equal to your Constitution. This does not apply if you are instantly killed by the attack (if the attack reduces your hit points to your bloodied value expressed as a negative number).
Adapt To Survive: Once per day, as a free action, you may pick an unexpended encounter attack power. You may expend this power and gain another use of an already expended encounter attack power.
Survivor’s Action: When you spend an action point to take a standard action, you gain a +2 bonus on all defenses until the end of your next turn. This increases to +4 at 20th level.
Untapped Reserves: If you spend your last healing surge (triggered by any means) while dying, during an encounter, you may either expend an unexpended Encounter attack power to gain a healing surge, or spend an Action Point to regain an expended Encounter attack power, which you must use before the end of your next turn.
Ultimate Survivor Powers
Pain Is Weakness Leaving The Body Ultimate Survivor Utility 12
Come on, maggot! You’re not going to let a little thing like being on fire stop you, are you?
Immediate Reaction
Trigger: You take ongoing damage from an effect a save can end.
Effect: You immediately save against the power. If you fail, you may still save as usual. If you succeed, you gain temporary hit points equal to the damage done. If the damage would reduce you to zero or fewer hit points, you gain a +2 on this save.
Rage Against The Dying Of The Light Ultimate Survivor Attack 20
Yea, even though I walk through the shadow of the valley of death, I shall fear no evil, for I am the meanest sun of a bitch in the valley.
Immediate Reaction
Trigger: You are reduced to 0 hit points by an attack.
Effect: You may use any unexpended attack power. The triggering enemy must be included among the targets of this attack. If this kills the triggering enemy, you may immediately spend a healing surge.
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