I Aten’t Dead (And Actual Content)
Just busy. Lots of active and ongoing projects, any by ‘active’, I mean, ‘I am working on them’, not ‘I am thinking of them’. Unfortunately, not much time to post… somehow, the article style I’ve evolved for this site is long and involved. It will take 60-90 minutes to do the next bit of my Chivalry & Sorcery walkthrough, for example, and I thought I’d have that today, but I don’t. I’ve got a 60,000 word professional writing project to finish by the end of January, I really want to post the next pass at Earth Delta, and I’m working on some fiction of a highly dubious nature in what spare time I have after that, along with a full time job and a freelance job that consumes a good number of hours. This isn’t meant to be a whine (though I can see it’s coming off like that), I just hate blogs/sites that go silent for months at a time or which get a “Busy. Be back later.” message with no more explanation than that.
Still, there’s got to be something I can give all both of my faithful readers…
Still in-progress, I present the Visionary paragon path from Earth Delta!
Whoa… colors.
Prerequisite: Scholar class
Visionaries are specialists in using hallucinogenic and sense-distorting drugs, chemicals, and extracts to confuse enemies. Due to extensive experimentation (for purely professional purposes, of course) with such chemicals, they are also skilled personally at sorting the real from the false.
Visionary Class Features
Keen Senses (11th Level)
You gain a +2 power bonus to all active Perception checks. You may ignore partial concealment on all creatures within 1+Wisdom modifier squares.
Visionary Action (11th Level)
When you spend an action point to make a close or area attack, one of the creatures hit by the attack (your choice) is also dazed until the end of your next turn.
Lingering Effects (16th Level)
If a creature successfully saves against a “save ends” effect you used against him on the first saving throw it rolls, it grants combat advantage until the start of its next turn.
Visionary Gadgets
Visions Of War And Peace Visionary Attack 11
The cloud of mixed chemicals and drugs has random, but useful, effects on those it envelops.
Encounter Illusion, Implement, Poison, Psychic, Technology
Standard Action Area burst 2 within 10
Targets: All enemies in burst.
Attack: Wisdom vs. Will
Hit: 2d10+Wisdom modifier psychic damage. If the damage roll was even, targets are filled with visions of enemies attacking them until the end of your next turn. So long as the vision persists, they are at -2 to all defenses, are limited to at-will powers, and must include the nearest creature to them (ally or enemy) in all attacks. If the damage roll was odd, the targets see calming and pleasant visions until the end of your next turn. So long as these visions persist, targets are at -2 to all attacks and are weakened, and they cannot take attack actions if they begin the turn with no enemies adjacent to them.
Delusional Might Visionary Utility 12
It is said that you can accomplish anything if you don’t know you can’t.
Encounter Charm, Implement, Technology
Standard Action Melee touch
Target: One ally in range.
Effect: Even when the target misses, he believes he has hit. Any power that triggers on a hit and which benefits the target takes effect, such as gaining temporary hit points on a hit, or being able to shift 1 after a hit. No effects are triggered on the target(s) of the attack or on any other creatures. If the attack normally has a miss effect, this occurs, but the attack is considered a hit for purposes of other powers. This lasts until the end of the encounter or until the target is reduced to 0 hit points.
Pursuing Terrors Visionary Attack 20
The ultimate bad trip, and usually a fatal one.
Daily Poison, Psychic, Implement, Technology
Standard Action Close burst 3
Target: One enemy in burst.
Attack: Wisdom vs. Will.
Hit: 3d10+Wisdom modifier damage, and the target creature is hounded and harassed by hideous visions (save ends). So long as the effect persists, the target takes 10 psychic damage at the start of its turn, and you can choose to shape the vision as a free action, choosing one of the following effects:
- Menacing Vision: You may slide the creature up to 2 squares.
- Confounding Vision: All enemies have partial concealment from the creature.
- Constricting Vision: The creature is immobilized.
- Realistic Vision: The creature’s next save against this power is at -2.
Miss: Half damage, and the visions last until the end of your next turn.
Cool, for some reason I can’t get the image of a wild eyed Timothy Leary out of my head… which is a good thing, a very good thing.
Love the use of the odd/even mechanic from the Sorcerer – its something that WOTC should utilize more often (it’s a great way of keeping powers you use all the time interesting).
Well, that was the intent of it (the Tim Leary thing)…