The bloodseeker — an undead hound which will find its target anywhere in the world…
This has an amusing genesis. This very cool thread on ENWorld features a great way to present monsters, and one of them happened to be one of mine — the Bloodseeker! I do not own the copyright on this monster, which means I cannot use any of my original text. However, ideas cannot be copyrighted, nor can names, so here is a recreation of the beast using all-new words, for D&D 4e.
The bloodseeker is created by a ritual which requires blood or flesh of the target, no matter how old it might be. A freshly-killed Dire Wolf is also required. Once the ritual is completed, the bloodseeker will leave, and pursue its target relentlessly and endlessly. Only one bloodseeker can be assigned to a target in a given year. When the bloodseeker nears its target, the target will begin to experience hideous nightmares. (A DC 20 Nature or Arcana check, if the nightmares are described, will reveal that a bloodseeker is close by!)
The bloodseeker innately attracts “normal” wolves to its side. It will usually be accompanied by 4 dire wolves, which will obey its every whim. This encounter is worth 1350 XP.
Level 8 Skirmisher (Leader)
Medium shadow magical beast (Undead)
XP 350
Initiative 9
Senses Perception +8; Darkvision
HP 75; Bloodied 37
AC 22; Fortitude 20, Reflex 20, Will 20
Immune Poison Saving Throws
Speed 6
Action Points 0
Bite (standard; at-will) “
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