Character-A-Day Day 2: Traveller ’77
Character A Day, Day Two
Traveller 1977
This was the second RPG I ever created a character for. There were many mildly variant printings over the years, not even counting major revisions like MegaTraveller or TNE. So for nostalgia’s sake, I’m going to use the edition I started with.
(If it looks like I’m starting with games that have simple systems, that’s right. I can get these done after dinner. I’ll have to go to more complex rules eventually, especially since my habits are to favor crunchier systems, but I’m gonna get a few of these Old School quickies out of the way first.) Since Traveller has more decision points than OD&D, I thought it would be fun to show each term’s results.
Starting UPP: 736-794
So, a mostly-average klutz who apparently came from the wrong side of the starport but somehow got a decent enough schooling. Maybe awarded a scholarship as part of some “enlightened” noble’s plan to become a Man Of The People. Name, name…. Aldir Traaz. (Don’t go looking for meaning, I just rolled some sounds in my brain until I liked them.)
The “Mustering Out” tables are printed before the “Prior Service” tables. Ah well. 1977.
Merchants gives me the best shot of success — a total of +3 on my enlistment roll, which I made handily! And a commission, and a promotion!
Term 1 UPP: 836-794
Navigation -I
Bribery -I
Vacc Suit -I
Re-enlisted, survived, but missed promotion. 🙁
Term 2 UPP: 936-794
Navigation -1
Bribery -1
Vacc Suit -1
We can assume 3rd Officer Traaz is lifting a lot of heavy objects.
Third term attempt — re-enlisted, survived, really blew the promotion. This is getting annoying. They clearly don’t appreciate me.
Term 3 UPP: 936-794
Navigation -1
Bribery -1
Vacc Suit -2
As evidence of not being appreciated, I spent most of my third term in some airless void. I’ll give these ingrates one more term. OK, promotion! Second officer! (Made re-enlist and survival rolls, too, of course.)
Term 4 UPP: A36-794
Navigation -1
Bribery -1
Vacc Suit -2
J-O-T -1
OK, decision time. On the one hand, I have no combat skills, and Traveller made it nigh-impossible to alter your character after leaving the service. On the other hand, if I go for five terms, I start making aging rolls, and even though Survival is easy for the Merchants, Lady Luck is a fickle mistress. Aw, hell, go for it.
Re-enlisted, survived, not promoted.And got Gun Cbt!
Term 5 UPP: A36-794
Navigation -1
Bribery -1
Vacc Suit -2
J-O-T -1
Gun Cbt -1 (Automatic Pistol)
OK! Time for mustering out… no, wait, aging. Blew it on Dex and Endurance, but kept my muscles. I’m probably better with a sword than a gun, even without the skill — Strength A vs. Dex 2.
I get 5 rolls for terms, +2 for making it to Third Officer.
Post-Muster UPP (includes aging and mustering out benefits): A25-7A4
Navigation -1
Bribery -1
Vacc Suit -2
J-O-T -1
Gun Cbt -1 (Automatic Pistol)
- Auto-Pistol
- Knife
- Low Passage x 2
- 80,000 credits
And there you go! 80K credits is nice, especially since I don’t have ship payments to make. He’s qualified for a variety of jobs, and would do well on a typical Traveller crew of scruffy traders. High strength, craptastic dex, and below average endurance is an odd combo; he lifts well, tires easily, and drops things. The high Education with average int and few technical skills, other than Navigation and arguably vacc suit, is also curious. I’m gonna say he’s one of those people who watches a lot of random educational holoclasses on Imperium Tube, so he has a bunch of facts at his disposal, but no real ability to integrate or apply that knowledge.
Traveller, thank you (and thank Marc Miller) !