Yeah, This Is Going Well.
As you can tell by the cheerily generic surroundings, the transition from Joomla to WordPress is going just bloody swimmingly. Fortunately, I can roll back whenever I want. Just posting this to let all both of my readers know this isn’t just some random “Domain abandoned, this is a placeholder” thing, but a work-in-progress. I’ll give myself another 2-3 days to straighten this out, then give up and learn enough CSS to make Joomla do what I want.
Aw, heck, because I’d love to delude myself into believing someone is reading this, here’s some content (with crappy formatting because I haven’t learned how to paste RTF into WordPress yet.)
Annihilation Army Alchemist
Annihilation Army Alchemist | Level 13 Artillery | ||
Medium natural humanoid | XP 800 | ||
HP 100; Bloodied 50
AC 25; Fortitude 25; Reflex 27; Will 24 Speed 6 Immune fear; Resist 10 fire, 10 acid |
Initiative +15
Perception +12 |
Standard Actions | |||
m Acid In The Eyes (acid) • At-Will | |||
Attack: +18 vs. AC | |||
Hit: 4d6 + 6 acid damage, and target is at -2 to all attack rolls and perception checks until the end of the alchemist’s next turn. | |||
Special: If the alchemist hits someone already suffering from this effect with any attack with the “acid” keyword, the penalty doubles to -4. . | |||
A Explosive Brew (fire) • Recharge 3 4 5 6 | |||
Attack: Area burst 3 within 10 (All creatures in burst); +15 vs. Reflex | |||
Hit: 4d8 + 2 fire damage, and ongoing 10 fire damage. | |||
C Acid Spritzer (acid) • Recharge 5 6 | |||
Attack: +15 vs. Fortitude | |||
Hit: 4d8 + 4 acid damage, and target gains vulnerability 5 (acid) (save ends). | |||
A Acid Grenade (acid, fire) • Encounter | |||
Attack: Area burst 2 within 10 (All creatures in burst); +17 vs. Reflex | |||
Hit: 2d10 + 5 fire and acid damage, and target takes ongoing 5 acid damage (save ends) and ongoing 5 fire damage (save ends). So long as the target is taking both types of damage, they are at -2 to all defenses. | |||
A Bouncing Bomb (fire) • At-Will | |||
Attack: Burst 1 within 10 (All creatures in burst, see special.); +15 vs. Reflex | |||
Hit: 2d8 + 7 fire damage and target is knocked prone. | |||
Special: The alchemist designates one creature in the area as the primary target. For all other creatures in the area, roll 1d20: On a roll of 1-5, they are not target; on a roll of 6-15, they are targeted normally; on a roll of 16-20, they are targeted with a +2 on the attack roll. | |||
Triggered Actions | |||
C Suicide Bomb (fire) • Encounter | |||
Trigger: The Alchemist is reduced to 0 hit points. | |||
Attack (Immediate Reaction): Close Burst 2 (All creatures in burst.); +16 vs. Reflex | |||
Hit: 3d8 + 4 fire damage and creature is pushed 1 square. | |||
Effect: The squares occupied by the alchemist are ablaze and will remain so until the end of the encounter. Any creature entering or beginning their turn in this area takes 3d6+5 fire and acid damage. This area is difficult terrain. | |||
Skills Technology +15 | |||
Str 16 (+9) | Dex 28 (+15) | Wis 13 (+7) | |
Con 16 (+9) | Int 19 (+10) | Cha 13 (+7) | |
Alignment chaotic evil Languages Common | |||
It’s easy to think of the Annihilation Army as nothing but insane, mindless, psychopaths bent on nothing but destruction. This is a sad and demeaning stereotype. Some members of the Annihilation Army are insane, highly intelligent psychopaths bent on nothing but destruction. The alchemist is one such, a mad genius who mixes up explosives and corrosives and hurls them recklessly around the battlefield, not caring in the least if he catches some of his “allies” in the blast, or even himself.
Because they work with bizaare chemicals and strange substances, even if the alchemist began as a normal human (which should not be assumed, feel free to tack an ‘oid’ onto these guys), they often develop additional mutations. See the bolt-on list, or look at these:
Exposed Brain
The alchemist’s brain has exploded out of his skull and is a massive, throbbing, organ that spurts madness-inducing lightning.
Exposed Brain |
The creature gains telepathy (100 foot range) and vulnerability 5 (Psychic) per tier. |
C Electric Psychic Insanity (psychic, lightning, reliable) • Encounter |
Attack: (One creature in burst); +16 vs. Will |
Hit: 3d6 + 11 lightning and psychic damage, and creature uses an at-will attack power against his nearest ally as a free action (this attack does not provoke) or is slid 3 squares. |
Assymetric Tentacles
The alchemist has grown numerous tentacles of varied length.
O Asymmetric Tentacles • Aura 1 |
Any creature beginning their turn in or entering the aura must save or grant combat advantage until the end of their next turn or until they leave the aura. |
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