RPG A Day 2017 August 5
RPG A Day, 2017
August Fifth
(Not Belated — woot!)
Which RPG cover best captures the spirit of the game?
The frak?
Dude/Dudette, whoever wrote this question… I’ve got over 2500 games. I’m not gonna go through all or most of ’em to figure out “which captures the spirit of the game”.
I guess I’ll just have to pick a few at random.
Hackmaster, Fourth Edition: The game is intended to be homage, parody, and extension of AD&D 1e and 2e… and the covers of the PHB and GMG follow this, based on the classic art of 1st edition AD&D hardcovers, and “turned up to 11” with more action and gore.
The back cover of Hero System Fourth Edition: A row of characters ranging from a cartoon animal to a giant mecha, with cowboys, wizards, and superheroes. It neatly conveyed that the game was capable of generating damn near any concept you could imagine.
Big Eyes, Small Mouth, Second Edition: Similar to the above… a wizard, a guy with a big gun, a giant robot, someone on a weird riding beast… once more, the idea of a broadly generic system was instantly communicated.
RPG A Day 2017 August 5 — No Comments
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