Earth Delta Alpha 1.5
Earth Delta Alpha 1.5
Yeah, I know, we were trying to hit beta. But there’s still enough stuff left to do that I wanted to post something, again because it’s so easy for projects like this to drift into that sad limbo of "Coming Soon…", with no updates for six months… a year… two…. (I was cleaning out my bookmarks and found far too many places where the project simply died, unmourned and unupdated. Perhaps the worst is the year’s worth of quarterly "I’ll have something to post soon" posts, with no actual content added in all that time.)
So here’s the 1.5 Alpha. This has a lot more Stuff in it, including feats for every single frakkin’ mutation, a lot of gaps filled in for tech items, a lot more feats (at least one feat for each type of mutant animal), some edits and rule balancing, typos fixed, consistency increased, and of course more art!
Earth Delta is, of course, Lizard’s take on Gamma-World style mutant adventuring, done for Fourth Edition Dungeons&Dragons rules.
You ought to know the drill by now — click the radiation symbol!
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