Zungol The Water-Trader
Zungol The Water-Trader
Zungol is an odd creature. Eight feet tall, blue skinned, hairless, very thin, and covered with sharp spikes, he is utterly unwilling to discuss where he comes from, though he claims to be a demon native to the Abyss. He is one of the oldest residents of Dustblood, and the primary supplier of water to travelers and natives. (He believes he should be the only supplier, but there are a few who try to operate beneath his notice). He also deals in assorted odd artifacts and gew gaws, which can range from harmless fripperies to potent and soul-corrupting artifacts. He is generally polite and soft-spoken, but the number of rivals who have shown up in town.. and never left… speaks to his power and connections. If forced into combat, he will seek to Dominate the most powerful enemy use him as a guard, while burning, pushing, or stabbing others as needed. He is rarely seen without loyal followers, though.
Zungol the Water Trader
Level 21 Controller (Leader)
Medium elemental humanoid (demon)
XP 3,200
Initiative +15 Senses Perception +15 HP 196; Bloodied 98 AC 35; Fortitude 32; Reflex 33; Will 34 Speed 6 Resist 15 Fire, Cold; Immune Poison |
m Runed Dagger (standard; at-will) • Poison |
+26 vs. AC; 3d6 + 8 and 5 ongoing posion (Save Ends)
R Get Away From The Merchandise! (standard; recharge 5) |
Range 10; +25 vs. Fortitude; 4d10 + 7 and target is pushed 5 squares.
C Surely I Can Persuade You? (standard; encounter) • Charm |
Close Burst 5; single target within burst.; +25 vs. Will; 4d8 + 7 psychic damage, and target is Dominated (Save Ends). Aftereffect: Target is Dazed (Save Ends).
R Fire Sale (standard; at-will) |
Blast 5 within 20; +25 vs. Reflex; 3d6 + 8 fire, and each target either takes ongoing 10 fire damage (save ends) or is pushed 2 squares. Zungol may choose a different effect for each target hit.
Release The Hounds (minor; recharge 4)
All allies of Zungol within 20 squares may immediately make a basic attack as a free action.
Alignment Chaotic Evil |
Languages Abyssal, Common, Draconic |
Skills Bluff +23, Diplomacy +23, Insight +20 |
Str 17 (+13) |
Dex 20 (+15) |
Wis 20 (+15) |
Con 20 (+15) |
Int 23 (+16) |
Cha 26 (+18) |
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