Zombie Braingnawer
Part of Zombie Week here on MrLizard.com! It shuffles, it shambles, it eats your brains. What more do you want?
Zombie Braingnawer
The Zombie Braingnawer is my attempt to model the classic "modern" zombie, the ones that want to eat your brains. This is part of a week-long series of Breakfast Crunch on zombies! Some of the items referenced, such as Zombie Plague, may not yet be written up, depending on when you read this. So it goes…
Zombie Braingnawer
Level 5 Brute
Medium natural animate (undead, zombie)
XP 200
Initiative -1 Senses Perception +1; darkvision HP 78; Bloodied 39 Regeneration 5 (Radiant) AC 17; Fortitude 18; Reflex 14; Will 18 Immune:Poison, Disease; Resist:10 Necrotic; Vulnerable:5 Radiant Speed 5 |
m Claw (standard; at-will) |
+8 vs. AC; 1d10 + 4 and the target contracts Zombie Plague.
M Grab (standard; at-will) |
+6 vs. Reflex; 1d6 + 4 and the target is grabbed.
M Brain Gnaw (standard; at-will) |
Only against a grabbed target.; +6 vs. Fortitude; 3d10 + 4 and the target contracts Zombie Plague with a -5 penalty to all Endurance checks. Any target who is killed by this attack will become a zombie braingnawer in three rounds. Any character who is Dying following this attack will rise instantly as a zombie braingnawer if they roll a 1 on their death save.
It… Just… Won’t…. DIE! (no action; at-will)
A zombie braingnawer which is reduced to 0 hit points without having taken Radiant damage or suffering a critical hit will re-animate within 1d6 rounds as a level 4 Brute (reduce all attacks, defenses, and damage by 1). This process will continue until the creature is reduced to Level 0 (by being killed four more times), at which point bits of it are still animate but they’re not capable of harm.
Headshot! (no action; at-will)
A Braingnawer zombie which suffers a critical hit is instantly reduced to 0 hit points and will not continue to reanimate.
Alignment Unaligned |
Languages — |
Skills Athletics +8, Endurance +11 |
Str 12 (+3) |
Dex 8 (+1) |
Wis 12 (+3) |
Con 18 (+6) |
Int 4 (-1) |
Cha 4 (-1) |
Braingnawer zombies only want to eat your brains. (Yeah, yeah, it’s the same link as in the main article. I can’t assume people read these things in order.) They arise as the consequence of foul rituals, depraved magic, or noble experiments gone tragically wrong. They are also very hard to kill permanently, at least for level-appropriate characters. If the PCs have no access to radiant damage (or if they have trivial access to it and know how to kill zombies), the DM may wish to vary the rules — perhaps zombies can only be killed by cold, or fire, or acid, or perhaps different zombies have different weaknesses.
A quick design note… this monster can be particularly nasty. The "official" writeup allows for a chance of "fast zombification" only if the zombie sinks its rotting teeth into a PC’s delicate, gooey, brain matter, but a DM may vary this so that any character reduced to a dying state which has been injured by a brainggnawer in the current encounter runs that 1-in-20 chance per turn of suddenly waking up with a hankering for neuron souffle. At the very least, it will get the Leader types to pay attention when one of their friends goes down.
Some may object to the high Athletics check… I wanted to make them Inexorable. They can smash down doors. They can swim rivers. They can climb walls. It should also be noted that, at Int 4, they aren’t quite mindless. They can mutter a few words (such as "Send… more…. brains!"), turn doorknobs, and so on. (I may publish the Truly Stupid Zombie variant later on.) The high Will defense is designed to represent the fact they’re unlikely to suffer pain, torment, or agony, or be distracted or controlled — they are single-minded to fault. (Some DMs may wish to toss immunity or resistance to psychic into the mix, but there are some classes or builds which have few other attack options, and this can be shut out a player from many fights if killing zombies is the main goal of a story arc. Further, in general, in 4e, even "mindless" undead are still affected by powers which target Will.)
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