Green Slime Golem
Green Slime Golem
At first, this creature appears to be a puddle of stagnant liquid, or a thin sheen of mold growing over a surface. Only when someone comes within its programmed ranged (usually 20 squares or so) or if the “puddle” is attacked will it reveal its true form, that of a massive, vaguely man-shaped creature ten feet in height, vaguely translucent. Flecks of dark matter can be seen within its body, and it is only when you are too close that you can tell they are fragments of human bone…
Green Slime Golems use their Malleable Monster ability to hide in places otherwise far too small for them, emerging when their instructions compel them to. They prefer to engulf the first foe they see, then battle with their fists while he dissolves.
Green Slime Golem Level 9 Lurker
Large natural animate (construct, ooze, blind) XP 400
Initiative +13 Senses Perception +6; blindsight, tremorsense
HP 76; Bloodied 38
AC 23; Fortitude 21; Reflex 22; Will 20
Resist 5 acid; Vulnerable 5 Cold (slowed)
Speed 6
m Slimy Fists (standard; at-will) • Acid
+14 vs. AC; 2d6 + 5 and target takes 5 ongoing acid damage (save ends).
M Engulf (standard; at-will) • Acid
+12 vs. Reflex; 1d8 + 4 acid damage, and the target is engulfed (save ends). While engulfed, the target takes ongoing 5 acid damage and is restrained. While a target is engulfed, attacks that target the green slime golem deal half damage to the slime and half damage to the engulfed creature. The golem may attack other creatures with its fists while it has someone engulfed. The golem may not use its Malleable Monster power while it has someone engulfed. The golem may engulf only one creature at a time. It may “spit out” a creature as a minor action.
Rapid Dissolution
A green slime’s attacks deal 1d6 extra acid damage to a creature that is taking ongoing acid damage.
Malleable Monster (move; at-will)
The Green Slime Golem may move as if it were a Small creature for purposes of squeezing.
Alignment Unaligned
Skills Stealth +14
Str 16 (+7)
Dex 20 (+9)
Wis 14 (+6)
Con 16 (+7)
Int 3 (—)
Cha 3 (—)
(Thanks for the inspiration to Dave Hargrave.)
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