Clambering Hordes
Clambering Hordes
Some not-quite-undead minions; full details on them can be found here: Ghoul-ash, Part III. Actual stats found after the break.
Clambering Hordes
Level 6 Minion
Medium natural humanoid
XP 63
Initiative +5 Senses Perception +4 HP 1; a missed attack never damages a minion. AC 20; Fortitude 18; Reflex 18; Will 17 Immune Poison; Disease; Resist 5 Necrotic Speed 8, burrow 6, climb 6 |
m Claw (standard; at-will) |
+11 vs. AC; 4
Swarming Attack
A Clambering Horde does +2 damage if at least one ally has attacked his target this turn.
Rapid Crawl
A Clambering Horde can Shift or Charge while burrowing.
Alignment Unaligned |
Languages Common |
Skills Acrobatics +10, Athletics +10 |
Str 15 (+5) |
Dex 15 (+5) |
Wis 12 (+4) |
Con 15 (+5) |
Int 10 (+3) |
Cha 9 (+2) |
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